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Learn what MATTERS in your state.

The MATTERS Index assigns an economic competitiveness score to every state based on key indicators.
Click on any state to learn more.

"Until MATTERS, enormously valuable data resided in disparate places - and in static form - effectively locked away from those who might leverage it the most to make informed decisions. By aggregating and injecting dynamism into those key data sets, MATTERS will equip policymakers, business leaders, advocates and researchers with a real-time data analytics tool that will help shape our public policy agenda, our debates and the outcomes of key decisions to be made in Massachusetts for years to come."

Gary Beach, Editor Emeritus, CIO Magazine


The Massachusetts High Technology Council developed the Massachusetts Technology, Talent and Economic Reporting System to advance our mission to make Massachusetts the world's most attractive place in which to create and grow a high technology business. MATTERS is designed to measure and evaluate Massachusetts' current competitive position, while providing policy makers and advocates with dynamic, searchable data to inform public policy decisions that help attract and retain business to the state.



MATTERS is not a primary data source, but instead is an aggregation of published data and analysis from several sources including federal and state governmental agencies, non-profit organizations and media outlets. As a tool for comparison between states, the MATTERS data library only houses datasets that span all 50 states and contain state-by-state data. As such, a user can select any combination of states, metrics, and time periods they would like to view. You can view the entire library of MATTERs data by selecting the "Explore the Data" option above.


How to Use MATTERS

The MATTERS overview map highlights the 15 states that make up the MATTERS peer technology states. Users can see a state's specific index ranking by clicking on the state, and can access the full state profile by selecting "Learn More" in the display window. The data explorer permits users to customize their experience and retrieve data on one or more metrics from one or more states and across multiple years simultaneously. Data can be displayed in a variety of visualizations including tables, line charts, bar charts, and heatmaps.



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